
For the tradition and the transmission of Kimono culture

The development of educational programs for the tradition of Kimono culture and the transmission to foreign countries

We started the project ‘The development of educational programs for the tradition of “Kimono” culture and the transmission to foreign countries (2016-2018)’, MEXT Scientific Research C (General) No.16K00792, research reader OUGIZAWA Michiko, in 2016.
We hope many people use these effectively to deepen their knowledge about the kimono culture, to learn wearing kimono voluntarily and to increase the information about the kimono and Japanese culture.


We study the followings in order to encourage interests for Kimono culture of the young group and to make the foundation of an international exchange and a mutual understanding on the basis of previous practices and researches.

1 Enhancement and dissemination of educational materials and documents which aim to tradition of the costume and the clothes life on the basis of traditional culture.

2 The practice of educational programs including experience learning of wearing Yukata and the verification the effect of it.

3 The program arrangement of international exchange activity to transmit “Kimono” culture to foreign countries.