
IC Buddy 活動報告

 2020年10月16日(金)に今年度初めてとなる、IC Buddyの活動を行いました。新型コロナウイルス感染症の影響もあり、活動に制限がございましたが、無事に活動を行えたことを嬉しく思います。

【IC Buddyとは】
 本学で学ぶ留学生が、勉強やキャンパス生活、日本での生活習慣などについて困っていたり、悩んだりしているときに本学の学生が学友(IC Buddy)として相談に乗るなど留学生が日本での生活を楽しく、有意義に過ごせるようにサポートするボランティアのことをIC Buddyと呼んでいます。

 On Friday, October 16, 2020, the IC Buddy group had its first meeting this year. In order to protect against the infection of COVID-19, our activities are limited. However, we were glad to finish the activity successfully.
 IC Buddy member registration was the main focus of the first meeting. This time, there were 15 students who joined the meeting, and many of them were freshmen. We explained our future activities and got off to a wonderful start.

【What is “IC Buddy”?】
 The IC Buddy group are volunteers who support students from foreign countries at Ibaraki Christian University. These volunteers help international students when they have trouble with classes, college life, living in Japan and so on. We assist them as school friends, so that they can spend their time in Japan pleasantly and effectively. That is the goal of “IC Buddy”.

This text was translated by Miku- 3rd year student in the Department of Contemporary English
