ICEE-NET (Ibaraki Christian University English Education Network) では、EPIC (English Program of Ibaraki Christian University)の活動として研修会を開催いたします。今回はガブリエル・キャスパー博士をお招きし、「社会的相互作用における認知と学習」と題してお話しいただきます。
Profile Gabriele Kasper (Dr. phil.) is Professor of Second Language Studies at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa. Her teaching and research focus on language and social interaction, in particular on applying conversation analysis to multilingual interaction, second language learning and assessment, and standard research methods in applied linguistics.Recent co-edited volumes are Assessing Second Language Pragmatics (Palgrave Macmillan, 2013) and Emotion in Multilingual Interaction (Benjamins, 2016), and the Special Issue Inside knowledge Production in Applied Linguistics (Applied Linguistics Review, 2017).