

Do I need a visa?

For internships of 90 days or less you must have citizenship and a passport from a country with a reciprocal visa exception arrangement with Japan (please refer to MOFA ) If your passport is issued from a country on this list and there are no restrictions, you do not need a special visa. Upon arrival in Japan, you will receive a 90-day tourist visa, which is all that is required for an intern position.

How does the application procedure work?

First please read all of the intern webpages thoroughly so you can understand what this internship will entail. Then fill out the Application Form Then send us your resume and the attached pdf of your application form data that you will receive with your confirmation email. Be sure to rename the pdf file with your first and last names. If we determine you are a suitable candidate, we will contact you to arrange an online interview. If you pass the interview, we will ask you to send the complete application package including official transcripts, one or more signed letters of recommendation and a certification of enrollment by post. After we receive it and if you are accepted, we will submit your application to the administration for approval. Regarding references, they should be from advisors, teachers, employers, coaches or supervisors from places you have worked, studied, volunteered or done other significant activities. If you have studied Japanese, we would like at least one reference to be from a Japanese teacher. We also require contact information from a parent or legal guardian and your permission to contact them. This is not a reference. References from friends and relatives will not be accepted.

How should I submit the letters of recommendation when I email my application?

If you have the letters of recommendation, please scan them and send them to us with the contact information of the referees. If the letters of recommendation will be sent to us directly, please inform us.

How long in advance should I apply?

Typically, the application process time varies from three to six months. Please send the documents as soon as possible once you are asked. 

What is the deadline for application for an internship?

In general, considering the time required for the acceptance process and to arrange your housing, applying as early as possible is recommended. Applying early also gives you more time to find an economical airfare.

For internships starting in April, May or June, we recommend that you apply by the end of December at the latest. Applicants will be evaluated and chosen in January. You will then be informed in February if we can offer you a position. There is less competition for internships starting in September or January. For arrival in September, all completed application materials should be submitted by May at the latest. You will then be informed in July if we can offer you a position. For arrival in January, all completed application materials should be submitted by September at the latest. You will then be informed in November if we can offer you a position. As it takes an average of five months to complete the acceptance procedures, please apply as early as possible for all internship periods.

What is a current Enrollment Verification Certificate?

This is a document stating that you are currently enrolled as a student at a university or college that is usually issued by your school administration. If you would like more information about Enrollment Verification Certificates, please search your school website or refer to National Student Clearinghouse. Your school may issue a current Enrollment Verification Certificate or go through National Student Clearinghouse. If your school goes through National Student Clearinghouse, they may offer a free option on your school website. For students outside North America, please contact your school administration and ask for the equivalent in your country. 

The application asks about intercultural experiences. What kind of experiences should I mention in this section?

We are interested in all intercultural experiences, whether they are domestic or international. If you have had any contact with someone from a different culture or who speaks a different language, we are interested to hear how that experience was and what you learned from it.

Can I cancel my internship after I have accepted a position?

If you need to cancel your internship, please inform us as soon as possible. Due to the procedures here at Ibaraki Christian University, we need to receive a notice of cancellation by the first week of the month prior to your scheduled month of arrival.