

高校 2022.05.10




Why did you decide to come to Japan as an exchange student?

I have always been fascinated with different cultures and loved every holiday where I went to a different country and learned something about  the people, traditions and food. So I decided that I wanted to experience an entirely different culture. In Germany, Japan often stands for delicious food, anime and cute things, so you could say that I was curious. In the future I would also like to work at the German embassy.



Did you have any hardships coming to Japan?

Of course it was very unfortunate that Covid hit and I came to Japan later than I intended. The hardest thing was saying goodbye to my family and friends. I was very nervous before the flight and didn't sleep at all.



How do you have fun in Japan?

In the time I have been here I have found it very enjoyable to try various kinds of food. The trip to Disneyland was also really amazing, although I was very nervous to meet everybody for the first time! I really want to try out different things with my host family and friends. At the same time, I'm very happy I joined the handbell club. It's lots of fun. 



Is it normal to speak English at your age in Germany?

German and English are very similar in some aspects, so maybe it's a bit easier to learn English if you know German. A lot of people my age have learned English at school and know at least the basics.



Have you felt any difference between Japan and Germany?

 There are a lot of differences! To begin with, the food differs a lot, but most people know that. Also, school is very different here. We don't have any school uniforms in Germany. Schools are much smaller and the type of teaching is just different. Unfortunately, we also can't enjoy clubs. But for me it's the small things that stand out, like sliding doors, small convenience stores and the weather.



What challenges do you expect in this period in Japan?

The biggest challenge is of course learning the language and communicating with people. Also, I can not read much at this point in time, which makes some simple things like going to the supermarket a little bit of an adventure. I hope to make a lot of friends and learn Japanese quickly!



Message for Japanese students, teachers and host family.

 Hello to everybody who is reading this.
I was really nervous before coming here and worried a lot about all kinds of things. When I arrived at the airport in Tokyo,  everything seemed so unreal to me. Suddenly I realized I was thousands of kilometers away from my family. However, thanks to all of you who have been nothing but kind towards me, I really enjoy being here. I want to thank everyone for welcoming me with open arms. The first two weeks have been full of many amazing impressions and persons. I am really sorry if I forgot some names, I will try hard and  I hope to communicate with all of you. I want to do my best to learn Japanese and hope to get better quickly. Please don't be shy and talk to me. Let's have lots of fun and an amazing school year together.




Hallo an Alle die das hier lesen.
Ich war wirklich nervos bevor ich hierher gekommen bin vnd habe mir uber alle moglichen Dinge Sorgen gemacht. Als ich angekommen bin am Flughafen von Tokio schien alles noch so unreal, plotzlich bin ich tausende kilometer von Zuhaunse weg. Aber dank allen fie nichts als freundlich zu mir waren, geniebe ich es wirklich hier zu sein. Die ersten zwei Wochen waren voll von vielen unglaublichen Eindrucken und Personen. Es tut mir wirhlich leid wenn ich einige Namen vergesse, ich versuche mein besres um mich an alle zu erinnern.
 Mein Japanisch ist immer noch ziemlich schlecht, aber ich hoffe ich uann holzdem mit allen reden. Ich mochle mein Bestes geben und schnell Japanisch lernen. Bitre seit nichit zu schuchtern um mit mir zu sprechen! Lass uns  viel Spab und ein schones Schuljahr Zusammen haben! 
